
Beanfield, owner and operator of the largest independent fiber-optic network in Toronto and Montreal, today announced the acquisition of Urbanfibre, a leading fiber provider operating in the Greater Vancouver Area. This acquisition is part of Beanfield’s ongoing commitment to expanding its residential and commercial network and service offerings across Canada’s major metropolitan areas and, along with its recent acquisition of FibreStream, carves out a path for a stronger and more resilient communications network on the West Coast.

Read more: Beanfield Acquires Vancouver-Based Urbanfibre


The pandemic highlights how internet access empowers citizens to work remotely, operate an online business, use e-government and telehealth services, and attend virtual events and classes. In a post-pandemic era, where mobility in all forms encompasses cities and rural areas, leaders and innovators need to bridge the digital divide with affordable, sustainable broadband solutions.

Read more: Broadband in the high mobility era

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